Nomadas 2003. Nos llevamos el arte
Entry file

Name and surname


D.N.I./ID card


Postal Code & City

Phone Numbers

Works info: Method(s), measurements, format, price

Short Curriculum

Print this Entry File, fill it out and send or hand it over to:
Centro Civico
Sala Jimera de Libar (Nomadas 2003)
Avenida de los Guindos, 48
29004 Malaga.

The inscription period finishes 31 March 2003. After this date no works will be admited.

- A list of the works
- Two pics concerning the works
- Specifications and price of each work
- Text for the catalogue
- Short Curriculum

In case of participating with an Activity (theatre, performance, etc), also enclose a VHS or demo tape. Point out the playing time, necessary raiders and a short description with any necessary comments.
If participating with a Workshop, point out price per hour and necessary comments.

On-line entry

Area de Juventud y Deportes. Diputación Provincial de Málaga Volver Indice de Autores